The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89777   Message #1695834
Posted By: GUEST,Billy
17-Mar-06 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bring Down The Government
Subject: BS: Bring Down The Government
On another thread related to Bush's approval ratings, I suggested that maybe we folkies were the activists in the 60s and 70s but now we just sit on our duffs and let shit happen.
Alright - here is the challenge. How can we legally get rid of the governments of the USA and the UK without replacing them with another bunch of the same-minded pocket-lining assholes?
   It takes a lot of effort to get a new political movement up and running from grass roots and it is even more difficult when the majority of the US and UK Newspapers are in the pockets of the ruling parties (and assholes like Rupert Murdoch). We have the internet (While we can - Murdoch is nowmaking inroads on the web as well - MySpace is a Murdoch-controlled enterprize) as the only resource to overthrow these self-appointed "Ruling Classes" now that they have waged war to eliminate the "middle class".
I realize that it will be difficult to use "legal" means against a government that seems oblivious to the concept of a written constitution. Maybe some legal scholars can pitch in here.
    Can the Mudcat folks come up with an alternative to all this crap? We were the ones who were singing "Times They Are A-Changin'" Back in the 60s. WE changed things back then. What happened? Are we all getting too old to get off our asses and do it again?
    Let's start a thread to decide what can be done to overthrow this bunch of money-grabbing jerks before they land us back in another depression. Let's see how long it takes until your friendly government takes the Mudcat site down. Then you would really know the truth.