The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89791   Message #1696053
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
17-Mar-06 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: People poking crocodiles
Subject: BS: People poking crocodiles
I see on telly some american bloke, [i think he;s called Ian or something], and he got bit by a big crocodile, [or maybe it an alligater, not sure really].

but it serves him right, he goes up to them, and hit them with sticks, "oh look heres an crocodile [or an allygater], lets poke it with this stick, see waht happens".

didnt his dad ever tell him, "dont poke dangerous animals with stcks"?
anyway, he is stupid, and must have shit for brains.

anyway=in olden days, there was little kid called albert, [this was in london i think], he poked a lion with a stick, and it eat him.
his mam and dad complained to lion bloke, but he just said= "sorry theres nowt i can do about it".