The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89662   Message #1696606
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Mar-06 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Looking for a dog
Subject: RE: BS: Looking for a dog
Right after Hurricane Katrina the local humane society started trying to move the local animals so they could bring in "Katrina dogs." I went down to the shelter and looked around, and asked about taking one home to meet my dog. She needed a companion and this was a good opportunity. They said I'd have to bring her down there and they'd let them meet. It was a really hot day, 100 degrees, so after Cinnamon (the pitbull) and I met Poppy and they hit it off so well, I kept Cinnamon with me while I waited in line inside to sign the papers. They had so many people there wanting to help out who had never owned dogs that they were taking a long time with each prospective adoptee (I watched them deny one woman, and did she go ballistic! I think they were right, though). Cinnamon lay on the floor at my feet, and as people came into the room they either sidled around the room to avoid her, or walked up to me and asked to pet her. (Several wanted to adopt her!) She happily wagged and licked hands and was pleased with the attention. When I got to the clerk, they didn't read me the "how to care for a dog because they're a lot of work" speech. We just signed the papers. My supposedly high-maintenance dog had performed perfectly and that's what they needed to know about me as a dog owner. I was so proud of her!