The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89613   Message #1696637
Posted By: Bobert
17-Mar-06 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day
Subject: RE: BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day
(Well, gol danged, Bobert... Heck of a food fight here today... And you weren't even in it???)

Well, goldanged!!! Here I've had company fir the last two days and couldn't exactly say, "Ahhhh, excuise me while I go get embrolied in a bunch of mud slinging and sterotypin'"....

Ummmmmm, now the P-Vine is like about between 50% Irish and a 150% Irish and so I live this St Patty's Day 365 a year 'cept, hey, why anyone would wait until just one day a year to have a few beers seems a little laim to me... I drink year 'round like the big boys..
It's a man thing that ain't got one danged thing to do with nuthin'... Men don't need no excuse to drenk!!!

But nevermind drenking and fightin' and carryin' on... Lets talk laundry here!!!

Yeah, why is it that Irish women can't hang a blue and a black sock together on the clothes line eith the same clothes pin??? Yeah, fir all you Irish authorities, answer me that one... Hey, if you do hang a black sock and a blue sock together with a single clothes pin will they not dry???

I mean, lets get real here on this siantliest of sainty days and get to the bottom of something that matters other than why folks drenk... Hey, look around you at this messed up world we are all collectively creating... That's why we drenk and it ain't just Irish folks either...

But, danged, why this obsession of clothes line etiquite... Okay, I have noticed that the Mennonites 'round here also are afflicted with the sock mixin' thing... But they don't frenk so fir anu of you Irish authorities, expalin that one....
