The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89791   Message #1696699
Posted By: GUEST,robomatic
18-Mar-06 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: People poking crocodiles
Subject: RE: BS: People poking crocodiles
A street thug was proudly walking his pit bull one afternoon when he spied an elderly gent walking an incredibly ugly beast. It surpassed every wrinkly beast of the canine pursuasion. "Hey Dude, that is sure one sorry-ass animal," he said, "why not let me and ol' Killer put him out of his misery?"
The old man didn't bat an eyelash. "Your dog can't hurt my dog," he said.
The man of the streets took it as a challenge, "I'm going to sic my fighter on your road wreck and then I'm going to give you ten dollars to go to the pound and pick up a better lookin' dog than the one you got now" So saying he launched Killer at the low slung thing and about swallowed his tongue ring when the old gentleman's pet seized the pit bull by the head and shook the everlasting aspirations out of him, chewing off a considerable amount of his hide at the same time.

Street thug was astounded: "What you call that monster, man? I never seen nothin' like that!"

"Well, before he got his nose fixed," said the old gent,"He was a alligator!"