The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89640   Message #1697288
Posted By: Bobert
18-Mar-06 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: Review: 13 Shades of Blues by Sidewalk Bob
Subject: RE: Review: 13 Shades of Blues by Sidewalk Bob
Well, thankee all fir them kind words, ahhhh, except GUEST who is prolly Martin musican-wantabee Gibson but nevermind that.... Guest apparently never heard or heard of Fred McDowell if he thinks tha fret marks ain't part of North Mississippi hilstomp blues but, hey....

Now I realize that most everyone who wanted a CD went thru me but fir those of you who haven't ordered yours please go to CVD Baby and take 5 minutes to do so... As it stands more have been orderd from CD Baby from Europe than from the States and I now realize I shouldn't have made it so easy to get um from me as 50 went out in the firast few days... Now it's time fir any Catters who didn't order frrom me to take a couple minutes over at CD Baby....


And thankee.... You won't regret it... Folks who have it allready have sent me lots of emails and the most common thought is that this CD really grows on ya'... Even Daniel "Rev. Slick" Ballanger who is the hottest up 'n comin' bluesman in the country says she has played it over and over and loves it!!!

So, howz 'bout hitting CD Baby???


Sidewalk "Bobert" Bob