The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89834   Message #1697399
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Mar-06 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
Subject: RE: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
sIx, I totally agree that marches have their place and it IS good and important for everyone to see such numbers; I, too, have done much in that respect. I was just positing an idea of why we may not see as many folks out doing so, i.e. because they find it easier to use the internet to protest. Just a thought.

It's always been said the best advertising is word of mouth; that for every one letter received by a Congressperson, they figure a certain number of their constituents feel the same way, so...even if only two people showed up to protest, they can be counted as many, many more.

We NEED a MLK or Ghandi. As I said above, someone to galvanise us out of our apathy and fear.
