The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89834   Message #1698339
Posted By: Barry Finn
20-Mar-06 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
Subject: RE: BS: World Wide Peace Protest
In the 60's a large % of the colleges & college age kids had a better grasp on communications & how to use their own media outlets than the adults of today, except that the colleges are not playing the parts they did back then. There still is a college underground today but it's not very politcial one as far as I can see.
I haven't heard squat about protests untill it's to late for me to make a plan to attend. So who's making use of the internet, Move & a few others? I do get info from them. Are there other orgs?
The 'sit-ins', 'love-ins' & the 'smoke-ins', never mind the protest marches got more advanced notice with far less hi tech than we do, or at least than I get today.
I don't believe it's gonna take singing in the streets or marching hand in hand that's what the government loves is a march that needs permits & timely notice & a route. What would a better form is a march that disrups major traffic flow through the major city's financial districts which would not be allowed a permit & there would be time to block it if it occoured & there would be no free protest zones that are useless. That gets coverage. Would the politcial powers that be respond with force? Maybe, which may create far more media coverage than they'd want, probably. Christ, a win & a roit at the world series generates world wide media coverage. A protest in this day & age in major cities with that type of disruption would still make the media turn on, roll over & cover no matter what the powers that be try. The politcians would then turn their heads & listen up. Not until the public screams will they worry about their jobs & their votes & their back pockets. But I don't think the public will give more than a whisper never mind a yell or a scream & the government is counting on just that & will do all in it's power to keep it like that.