The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89847 Message #1698419
Posted By: Seaking
20-Mar-06 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: Keeping my Martin in tune
Subject: RE: Keeping my Martin in tune
Interesting views, thanks everyone for your positive comments and ideas. I'm almost tempted to hijack my own thread to have the Shubb capo discussion (The 'don't use Shubb' comments I definitely wasn't expecting) but there's probably existing threads on that subject which I'll look for later.
Yes, this one was 'Off the wall'. Probably (o.k. definitely) naive of me at the time to have thought that having spent my small fortune the work was done, unfortunately - as someone else pointed out, Mudcat that great source of infinite wisdom and learning wasn't around then.
I've left a message with Trevor Durrant - thanks Lanfranc, so I'll see how we got on there. Would be nice to get sorted in time for Miskin...