The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89847   Message #1698430
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Bliss
20-Mar-06 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: Keeping my Martin in tune
Subject: RE: Keeping my Martin in tune
Yes it does seem ironic that you have to spend a lot of money on a guitar and then take it to be 'mended' before you can play it!

But Martin have made the descision to sell their instruments for less than they might by making some compromises in the finish. This is partly for price reasons but more for those mentioned above.

The actual construction of even low-end Martin guitars, purely in terms of technical design, woods and - crucially - glue, is superior to any other factory, hence their reputation.

If you don't finish the guitar off you're more likely to have problems, and I suspect a that some people who don't like Martins may be making their judgement on just such instruments.

(Every time I see someone snapping on a shubb with a huge 'twunk', and feel the compression in the wood, never mind the strings, my heart sinks).