The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89847 Message #1698637
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
20-Mar-06 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Keeping my Martin in tune
Subject: RE: Keeping my Martin in tune
It's also worth reading Rick Fielding's stuff about tempered tuning (which is what Tom's talking about when he says that no guitar can ever be perfectly in tune in all keys and positions at the same time - absolutely correct!). Tempered tuning levels out the differences in intonation between strings in order to achieve the best compromise, and it effin' well works! :-) Takes a little practice, but it's far more effective that slavish use of an electronic tuner (which can't adapt to these quirks of the guitar). The only drawback is that it needs a quiet room, otherwise you can't hear to tune properly, but if you can achieve that Nirvana it's an excellent way to tune.