The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89847 Message #1698646
Posted By: GUEST,Jim
20-Mar-06 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: Keeping my Martin in tune
Subject: RE: Keeping my Martin in tune
I've had a compensated bone saddle installed on my 1960 D21 and on my 1958 Goya Goliath. This improved the out of tune up the neck problem, but did not solve it completely. I've never played a guitar; Martin, Goya, Gibson, Taylor, Guild, Larivee or Yamaha, that is perfectly in tune right up the neck. A compensated saddle makes it close enough that I can live with it.
Tom Bliss, I've found that Keysers and Dunlop Triggers and any other spring loaded capo that puts the strings right to the fingerboard seems to put the guitar out of tune. I prefer something that can be adjusted so that in just stops the buzzing and no tighter. I used to prefer Shubb, but am presently using a Paige.