The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89831   Message #1699618
Posted By: Naemanson
21-Mar-06 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arrogant Americans on ebay
Subject: RE: BS: Arrogant Americans on ebay
Joe Offer - "I suppose most groups don't deserve the stereotypes they're saddled with. Americans are described as "arrogant" - but that's seldom the case."

Actually Joe Americans generally are not so arrogant in their own homes and on an individual basis overseas. But we all have to admit that our Government and our businesses are very arrogant and are not above shoving the "little guys" around. The exception to individuals being arrogant is many of the individuals in our military, generally the younger men in the lower ranks. They seem to take American power personally and like to flex their muscles overseas. They have been fed a line of propaganda and run around talking loud and wearing t-shirts with jingoistic sayings on them. Fortunately they are not as common anymore. Here in Guam we have 7,000 Marines coming from Japan in the near future and I expect to see a lot more of that. They are being kicked out of Japan because they couldn't be controlled.