The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89896 Message #1700615
Posted By: Rapparee
22-Mar-06 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: a word to the wise
Subject: RE: BS: a word to the wise
Jeri, that's exactly what I think. Panic buying of Tamiflu isn't going to help a bit -- that's a "I got mine, screw you!" mindset. When your neighbor comes knocking, asking for some bit of food for his sick kid, what are you going to do -- shoot him? Isolating yourself in your house is ridiculous.
I've been through this before...with Y2K; with the Cuban Missile Crisis, with the Hungarian Revolution of 1956; with saber-rattling by the Chinese over Quemoy, Matsu, Formosa; with the sinking of Pueblo; with the shooting down of the EC-121 plane; with the Asian Flu; with the Hong Kong Flu; with the North Koreans jumping on South Korea; with Hantavirus; with Lyme disease....
I remember when I was very young laying in bed listening to airplane propellors overhead, remembering a film I'd seen somewhere about the bombing of Pearl Harbor, wondering if this was the plane that would End My World.
My "disaster/panic/fallout shelter" circuits overloaded long ago, as did my wife's.