The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89896 Message #1700638
Posted By: Ebbie
22-Mar-06 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: a word to the wise
Subject: RE: BS: a word to the wise
A finger flick sent my post skittering away- I want to finish my thought.
When anyone is coming down with something, I think that person should STAY HOME. DON'T go to the office or to school. All of us have seen a bug sweep the entire office. Just STAY HOME; when you are no longer contagious come back. If each does that, not only will fewer of the personnel get the bug but the office will keep functioning.
Not everyone agrees with that. I have a friend who is of the opinion that we all get stronger when we are exposed to whatever comes along each time it comes along.
When and if a super flu comes along I plan to behave just as I've done in the past. If I'm coming down with it, I won't go anywhere. If someone else is coming down with it I'll stay away. I once sent a musician home because she was so sick she could hardly see straight- she had come to music night because she "didn't want to stay home by herself"; there was no way I wanted her sitting in our group and as tactfully as I could, I told her so.
The main thing that keeps me from being too alarmed about this avian flu is remembering the many times we've gone through this before. Anyone remember the 'swine flu'?