The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89896   Message #1701225
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
23-Mar-06 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: a word to the wise
Subject: RE: BS: a word to the wise
Wesley - the British Government releasing a virus!
Not much worry there.
Blair and his incompetents couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery.

There was a case of bird flu identified near France. The French government innoculated all their domestic chickens within the week. France is 23 miles across the English Channel. Our government's statement was something to the effect of - "there's nothing to worry about - it's in a different country - we will start to think about doing something if it gets over here!" In the meantime they are sacking thousands of doctors and nurses from hospitals because the accountants are paid too much and there isn't any money left to actually treat patients.

If he USA is worried about catching bird flu from person to person contact - does that mean Blair will have to stop licking Bush's arse?

And isn't Tammy Flu in the Country music Hall of Fame?
