The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89847   Message #1702555
Posted By: GUEST,Seaking at work
25-Mar-06 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: Keeping my Martin in tune
Subject: RE: Keeping my Martin in tune
Lanfranc, where do you live ? I'm also cookieless at the moment so can't pm.

Tom, I've always been surprised at the apparent shortage of songs written around the North Sea oil and gas industry -probably the notable exception being Men O' worth. I mentioned this last year and discovered El Greko's 'Working on the stilts' which he kindly played for me at Miskin.(Apologies if that title isn't totally accurate George)) I'd like to hear your 'Rigs of Oil' sometime too. It's occured to me that there may be more material out there but it's never all been pulled together. I'm sure someone will tell me differently if I'm wrong.
