The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68089 Message #1703065
Posted By: GUEST,eoin
26-Mar-06 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding's passing. (March 20, 2004)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding's passing.
It has been along time since I've been back to Canada, so I've only recently learned of Rick's passing.
I first met Rick when I was, oh, I'd say about 15-years-old, and he made a strong impression on me. He helped engender in me a love of folk ballads, but also influenced the way I see world, past, present and future.
I remain a union man to this day, thanks in part to him and his music. And as I make my way in the world I am often reminded of his songs, and find myself humming his tunes. In fact, as I sit to type I am struck by the fact that a few of the turns of phrase I rely on all these years later were borrowed from him and his tales, which were always well-tuned in the telling.