The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90031   Message #1703085
Posted By: GUEST,Donuel : your grateful
26-Mar-06 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Ancient Egyptian music - where is it
Subject: BS: Ancient Egyptian music - where is it
I have begun composing a short piece for cello, guitar and percussion with backgrounds and Indonesian instruments via my Triton and computer.

It encompasses in a mediative fashion all the great religions starting with the Gita , Tantric Bhuddism, Judaism, Christianity , Aztec, Islam ...

What is missing is ancient Egyptian music , be it Pharoic or Aegnotin Sun God music.

The 5,000 year old song of songs is a fine guide post for Jewish themes which may have much in common with the mono theistic Egyptian sun god worship but I can not be sure.

Since the Egyptian religion is the root for 3 of the 4 major religions today I would like to get it right.

I could listen to the soundtrack of Joseph Campbell's Mythos again for some ideas but I am struck by my ignorance of the music of the great Egyptian Pharoes.

Did they notate their music??????????