The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90031   Message #1703688
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
27-Mar-06 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: Ancient Egyptian music - where is it
Subject: RE: Ancient Egyptian music - where is it
Michael Atherton released a CD "Ankh - the sound of ancient Egypt" in 1998. It was inspired by an exhibition "Life & Death in the Land of the Pharaohs" from the National Musuem of Antiquities in Leiden, The Netherlands which came to the Australian Museum in 1998.

Michael is a composer & academic & ex-folkie, tho his membership of The Larrikins doesn't seem to be mentioned in the following Professor Michael Atherton, University of Western Sydney

google search on "Ankh - the sound of ancient Egypt"
This came from one of the sites brought up by this search. 'The CD recordings, Ankh - the sound of ancient Egypt (1998) and Melismos - music of ancient Greece (2003), deserve special mention as a realisation of music performed on original instruments'

from the website of the company that released the CD

I've owned this album for a few years now & love it.
