The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89388   Message #1703959
Posted By: Skivee
27-Mar-06 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: An Airport Story
Subject: RE: BS: An Airport Story
Priscilla fumbled into the dark towards the sound. She found a large latch on a door. and shoved.
The hanger panel door creaked open.
The roar of the DC-3 died as the engines slowed and stopped.
She could see movement inside the plane. The hatch fell open, forming steps into the craft.
"HELLO?",She called out agian. "WHAT DO YOU WANT ?
"Could I get a mocho-choco-latte-venti-small-grande with a dash of cinnamon?" Anson's voice echoed in the hanger.
"...doesn't make sense," she muttered to herself.
"Then could I just get some plain coffee?" She jumped a bit. Anson had suddenly appeared at her shoulder.
Several figures were at the steps of the plane.
Bats flew past then into the alien night.