The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90052   Message #1704425
Posted By: GUEST,DB
28-Mar-06 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Durian Fruit - taste to die for?
Subject: RE: BS: Durian Fruit - taste to die for?
I vividly remember my first visit to Thailand - everything was so different - the climate, the language, the vivid colours and the smells; I really felt like a child again. Supermarkets and shopping malls smelled odd but eventually I realised that this was a consequence of the durian stalls - tucked away in a corner but scenting the environment for yards around. I had read about this stuff but didn't think that it was wildly unpleasant - just very penetrating. I tried some and quite enjoyed it - but it does repeat on you and that is an 'interesting' experience!