The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1704687
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
28-Mar-06 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
That worked...

The first "date" that I took my wife on was to visit a woman in her mid-90's who was bed-bound on an upper floor apartment. She lived with her younger sister, who was in her upper 80's. Mother Turnage has since passed, and now we visit her sister, who is in her early 90's. Even though Mother Turnage was in her 90's and bed-ridden. she was very flirtatious when we came in. She wanted me to sit on her bed. She didn't even offer a place for Ruth to sit down. Ruth and I both got a good laugh out of that. There have been several times over the years when we've visited an elderly woman who was downright offensive to Ruth, and flirtatious to me. Once she said to me, "You can come in, but tell your wife to wait out in the hall."
I just ignore those kinds of comments, and so does Ruth. We think it's beautiful that people still want to be attractive, no matter how old and bed-ridden they might be.

My faorite story in that regard was when I visited at a nursing home many years ago where my Uncle was the Director and his wife the Office Manager. I was talking with them when this woman can rolling in at 90 miles an hour in her wheel chair... right over my Uncle Walt's foot. As soon as she was in the room, she dozed off for a minute. That was the way out conversation went. She'd say a few sentences, and then doze off for a couple of minutes. My Aunt Ruby asked her to tell me how old she was, as sh'ed just celebrated her birthday. She said "I'm 105 years old.. a man came in the other day and I asked him if could guess how old I was. When I told him that I was 105 years old, he said "You don't look a day over 100," and she beamed very becomingly.

Welcome to the table, Elmer.. I just fixed a big mug of coffee and a couple of pieces of English Muffin bread, toasted with Splenda and Cinammon on it. Ambrosia... I can throw another couple of slices of bread in the toaster and heat up a pot when you've got the time.

And, nice to see you this morning, billybob.
