The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3408   Message #17048
Posted By: Nonie Rider
03-Dec-97 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: Why aren't more angry songs sung angrily?
Subject: RE: Why aren't more angry songs sung angrily?
Jon's right. Rap's the obvious exception.

Mind you, that testosterone-fed male anger makes it almost impossible for me to listen to it. How the hell does anyone not react to it with fight-or-flight? Gives me a sore spine and jaw trying NOT to react.

I'm not dismissing it; it's a valid and elaborate art form. But I don't go see murderous paintings or angry performance art either.

Punk I'll have to take other people's word for. Once someone starts slamming their guitar strings angrily, I can't make out enough lyrics to tell.