The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88057   Message #1705041
Posted By: panurus biarmicus
28-Mar-06 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: Holmfirth Festival of Folk
Subject: RE: Holmfirth Festival of Folk
if there are any traders out there you couild do with booking as market hall is filling up

so any old hippy stuff, food, trammel and tish would be good as well as useful hardware, medical gizmos or bondage gear suppliers - strangley ( and creatively) to save hassle we are making booking via our chums in Tourist Info Shop -check Kirklees Council Website for contact details

Morris sides coming thick and fast and my right hand woman even turned one away this week but think we can find space on sunday for anyone who wants to strut thier stuff

STOP PRESS we have a samba band ! so this is now a world music festival too now i guess !

bring yer maraccas !!