Jeez Mary, I never gave you ANYTHING! This is misplaced aggression.
Keep in mind that I have many of my mother's ceramic creations. There's an Indian in the cellar, but I sorta like him. I've got an owl, I've got a wood duck, I've got Father Christmases out the wazoo, I've got a Christmas tree made of stacked condiment dishes (or ash trays or white trash Ninja throwing things), and I think there's a ceramic tree that plugs in and flashes. I've got a table lamp that looks like a really big stein with poncily dressed gentleman all around it that apparently is a copy of a comemmorative piece from the German gay fashion show of 1612, and if THAT doesn't scare you, I have the sequin art kit things she made. An eagle, and a pair of peackocks. I have Christmas ornaments -- LOTS of Christmas ornaments. If that doesn't work, I have crap HER mother made (except it's probably considered antique by now). I'm 3rd generation pack rat, at least, and I don't even have to go buy stuff. Don't fuck with me!