The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89989   Message #1705151
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
28-Mar-06 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme-new CD out on Folk Legacy!!!
Subject: RE: Folklore: Art Thieme-new CD out on Folk Legacy!!!

I am told I'm signed in here at Mudcat and have tons of P.M.s waiting to be read by me. THEN, as I've mentioned in numerous threads, when I try to read all those P.M.s going back over a year or two, I'm told I "must be a member to see them"---so I remain in limbo, and even though I'm a member, I'm not a member, but I AM a member, but NO!

I've signed out and tried to re-up my membership a bunch of times----and that might be the problem: I may have jammed up the cyber black hole and got stuck sideways so that getting "born again" as a Mudcatter cannot happen without a digital Cesarean section of some kind. I have followed all of Mr. Offer's directions to no avail. Such is life...

Barbara, lets meet for coffee after class!? Thanks for being here...
