The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90104   Message #1705238
Posted By: SINSULL
28-Mar-06 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Gifting
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting
Hey Mick,
I have a huge favor to ask. Many years ago, my cousin's two year old was allowed to pick out a birthday gift for Aunt Mary. KoKo is wearing it.
Now Michael is getting married and I would love to present his bride-to-be with an example of his taste in lingerie. Would you mind stripping KoKo and sending back her outfit?
On second thought, nevermind. I rather enjoy your discomfort. Give the fuzzy girl a hug for me. Wait 'til you see what we have for you at the Getaway this year.