The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1705343
Posted By: michaelr
29-Mar-06 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
So what are you saying, it's a non-issue because there may be worse things? I am as outraged as most sane, reverent people about the Iraq "war". That doesn't preclude me from noticing other wrongs.

dianavan says "It's been going on so long, it's part of the culture." Is that supposed to make it OK?

I must say I'm surprised at (what I've been thinking of as) my fellow liberal Cats. We should feel outrage about Iraq and the beef industry, but not the cruel and inhumane slaughter of infant animals in the wild?
