The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1705427
Posted By: GUEST,JTS
29-Mar-06 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up

What is the Fuck is an "infant animal"? Do you eat eggs? Wear leather? Live on land that used to be animal habitat. Morally, each of those are about equal. So toss the log out of your own eye before you complain about the dust in mine.

The seals that are killed now, are killed from open boats with high powered rifles. These "infants" as you call them, hunt on their own and live with out the help and support of any adult. I wonder from you attitude if you yourself are as weaned as they. Do you think that the meat you eat grows on a tree behind the supermarket? Do you care as much about the "infant" beef in your hamburger. You do know that beef cattle are also harvested as juveniles don't you?

No one is saying you don't have a right to be outraged, if you choose to. But your priorities seem, childish, ill informed and hypocritical. Outrage over a whitecoat hunt that hasn't been practiced in thirty years and which has been illegal for 18, seems odd considering much worse outrages being committed by your own country. You'd think that Newfoundlanders were morally inferior to other people because they get their meat from the sea rather than the feedlot or the supermarket. Maybe you just want someone to piss on and you don't want to piss on yourself because you'll ruin your nice "infant" cow leather shoes.