The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1706260
Posted By: CarolC
30-Mar-06 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Oops. Sorry bobad. I seem to have missed your post somehow.

bobad made the critical point, though. I'm very much in favor of animal rights. But I don't approve of the way some animal rights organizations are blatantly misrepresenting what is actually happening with the seal hunt. They are using the white-coats in their fund-raising materials because white-coats are one of the best fund raising tools they've ever had. But they are being incredibly dishonest when they represent the seal hunt in that way, and I can't support people who use dishonesty as a tool, even for a cause as worthy as animal rights.

They need to find a new symbol for their fundraising efforts. Until then, they do not have my support.