The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1706269
Posted By: heric
30-Mar-06 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Carol? Carol.

You said they aren't clubbing baby seals.

They're clubbing (and shooting)two and three week old seals (after their mothers have expended the energy weaning them).

You're still doing it AND you have the audacity to take a stand for truth in advertising??

By the way, O Sensitive Ones. McGrath merely pointed out that "hunting" was an overly glamorous word for this harvesting. Do you really want to argue with that? (And I have no doubt that clubbing is faster and less painful than shooting, btw.)