The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55982   Message #1706417
Posted By: Flash Company
30-Mar-06 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Once When I Was Mustering (Slim Dusty)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Once when I was musterin'
can't remember it all, but something like this....

Once when I was mustering, out Carnarvon way,
I had a mob of musterers a-working night and day,
Now when the mob was resting, you wouldn't hear a sound
But when we started moving you could hear all around

Hey bring 'em up, fetch 'em back,
Turn the blighters round'
Then come behind, come behind, come behind you hound.

I had a dog called Bluey, a terrier called Dot,
And if I ever wanted them, well, they were on the spot,
They trod along behind me, as quiet as falling snow,
But you could see 'em straining 'til I'd give the word to go,


I think there was a third verse, that it has vanished into the black hole that passes for my memory.