The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90078   Message #1707016
Posted By: The Admiral
30-Mar-06 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: Review: Bob Davenport's letter to Melody Maker
Subject: RE: Review: Bob Davenport's letter to Melody Maker
So, what is wrong with being English and proud of it? As already pointed out on this thread it is alright to be Scottish, Welsh and Irish, (thanks Les) all of whom celebrate their National Day (and Saints) whereas the English have to contend with such attitudes as a Liverpudlion Mayor of London (who on the whole does a good job) but who allows thousand of pounds of London ratepayers money to be spent on St Patricks Day celebrations but refuses to recognise St Georges Day.
The English have been looking for their own identity since the Welsh and Scots got their own Parliaments (kept afloat by English taxpayers incidently). Up until then we were happy to be British but now we should be allowed to enjoy pride in our own country, small and very diverse but a lot to be proud of.
During the Six Nations, all the other British Nations got their own anthems (all about beating up the English) whereas the English team (God Bless 'Em) had to put up with 'God Save the Queen', the British National Anthem, do you wonder that the English are starting to champ at the bit?
As for the Flag of St George, yes, it decended to depths with the National Party (spit) and Maggie Thatcher (double spit) but that was was decades ago, we have recaptured the flag so can we please now move on and be allowed to celebrate our own National Flag and Englishness?
If there are English people out there who want to do so and can make it, Maidenhead Folk Club is having a 'Rise Up St George' Night on the night of 20th April, all will be welcome (including the Scots, Welsh and Irish) to celebrate St George in whichever way the people want to.
Apart from that shameless plug for my own club, this all come from the heart coming from someone who considers himself to be 100% English and 50% Irish (I leave you to work that out for yourself!)