The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90187   Message #1707512
Posted By: Alba
31-Mar-06 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat's Old Hippies
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat's Old Hippies
I see nothing wrong whatsoever will being labelled a Hippie. The 'Old" bit of the remark though MG...hey just steady on there.. that's just down right

I would however be deeply offended is someone called me a conformist or a conservative or pro - war or anti- Love or anti - nature...

which brings me, rather oddly, to the references about Women's Menstrual Cycles.

I find it fascinating that this naturally occuring process of a Women's body would be somehow..insulting, seen as dirty in a schoolyard sense, or a no go area of discussion. Anywhere.

Damn it all to hell MG, if you would like to take my monthly period on I will glady give it to you...with a box of free tampons ( just let me know your width size requirements:)

Hey man, just compose a short essay on why you would be worthy of such a gift.

Jude: alias, Earth child /Cosmic Sister.

( Still a Hippy after all these Years..maybe...oh let's just call me a work in progress. Even after all this time I still have not attained that complete freedom that the Hippie movement aspires to. Hippyism is a much better goal than say attaining conformism in my book. Who would want to to be a rich Sheep! Now to mantain that state of mind may require a lot of drugs in my case... bahhhha):>)