The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1707553
Posted By: GUEST,JTS
31-Mar-06 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Harvesting seals has nothing to do with greed. It is dirty, dangerous work and it doesn't pay all that well. Its about a man making a living for his family any way he can. Its what men do and the motivation isn't greed. It is self respect.

Anyone who expresses the points of view that Heric and Michaelr are expressing is ingnorant of their own impact on animals. Someone killed a pig for the bacon they had for breakfast. Someone killed a cow for their shoes. Someone drowned a buch of animals for their electricity. Someone bulldozed habitat and "infant" animals to construct thier homes. The ship that brought the computer they type their complaints on may well have maimed whales and manatees on its way from Asia. It almost certainly poisoned fish and marine mammals with its bilge. So if you really want to help animals, go live off the grid and hunt and gather for yourself as one of them.

Keeping you conscience clear by whining about someone else's "sins" against animals is not an honorable option.