The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90205   Message #1707700
Posted By: GUEST
31-Mar-06 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: West Clare Taliban abduct collector
Subject: RE: West Clare Taliban abduct collector
Whew, I thought you were going to abandon this theme an when we were all having such fun. I thought I was going to have to change my library book to see me through the long nights.
I couldn't believe that you would want to continue the punishment after you took such a hiding on the 'Dog and Gun – origin of Golden Glove' thread, but I have to say I was delighted when you did. I have to hand it to you; if I had wished to make fools of you both, there was no way I could have made as excellent a job as you have done yourselves.
Reading down this thread one is left with a feeling of a rather unpleasantly malicious primary school class that has been left to their own devices by a neglectful teacher. Snide name-calling is something I thought I had left behind half a century ago.
I suggest you read through what you have written and ask yourselves if you are proud to have put your name to it – oh, I forgot, you haven't have you, despite your protests about somebody else wishing to remain anonymous – as the song says 'The world's ill-divided'.
I was perturbed that you chose to include Pat Mackenzie in your vitriol spray. As far as I can make out, she has had played no part in this dispute. I suppose she is what our American cousins call 'collateral damage'. However, her inclusion is an indication of the type of people you are.
Your putting her name on the top of one of your postings would have been more credible if you had managed to spell it right - M.A.C.K.E.N.Z.I,E.   Oh dear, mis-spelling a name you are trying to pass off as genuine – now that does take some doing! It would be virtually impossible to invent you two; are you sure you aren't characters in a Kerryman joke.
I was disappointed to see the names of a couple of regular contributors to Mudcat among the forgeries who it is claimed posted to this thread, at least one of whom I would have thought far too sensible to go wading in this sort of sewer; ah well, there's nowt as queer as folk as they say. Perhaps they might put things in context by reading the thread that gave rise to the whole affair – I repeat the title - 'Dog and Gun – origin of Golden Glove'
Anyway, as you appear to have run out of original invective I think I'll leave it there, though I'm sure that we'll bump into one another in the not-too-distant future. Perhaps by then you will have managed to have completed some of your own work rather than having to rely on the efforts of others.
Best wishes to you both.

Thoughts for the day.
A reviewer is one who knows the direction to take but is unable to drive the car.
Kenneth Tynan

Reviewers are usually people who would have been poets, biographers, historians etc. if they could; they have tried their talents at one or at the other and have failed, therefore they turn reviewers.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge