The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1707749
Posted By: gnu
31-Mar-06 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
9B!! Goodness gracious. I had no idea. Approx' 30 per person. Something seems wrong with a number that high.

Ya know, I have often walked by the meat displayed at large grocery stores and thought, especially with the prices as high as they are lately, "I wonder how much of this stuff doesn't sell and I wonder what they do with it."

By the way, since the thread is no longer about Bush and Yankee business screwing over Canada on the "free" trade, and, since we seem to talking about animal cruelty (not animal rights... they have none), my pet peeve (pun intended) is the lobster tanks in those large stores. I have to avert my eyes. Surely, they could put the tank somewhere where the lobsters don't have to cringe with fear everytime someone walks by? And, in the Sobeys just up the road from me, the lobsters in the tank have a clear view of the cooked lobsters on ice... it's sickening. Am I the only one that finds this cruel?

Yeah, I know... I hunt and I fish and I BBQ every chance I get, but I don't torture any of them.

By by the way... does anyone else find "hook and release" a tad upsetting? My old man taught me never to shoot anything you were not going to eat. Applied to fishing, that means, if you ain't gonna fry the fish, don't torture it by hooking, playing, landing, and releasing it. AND, Bob Izumi, you REAL ignorant fuck, don't let it suck for air for five minutes while you yap about how pretty it is. If yer gonna put it back, put it back.