The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1707985
Posted By: Ron Davies
31-Mar-06 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Jerry-- sounds great. I'll have to check that out.

Some great news--Jan just saw her MD who had performed an amazing operation on her neck in December--replaced 3 crushed discs and fused 4 vertebrae--using a technique and some material only known in the last 2 years. (It was a near thing--we almost had another MD who would have been nowhere near as good.--but, after bragging about his skill, he bugged out.) And this is all on Blue Cross--no special plan.

Anyway, Dr. Cooney says Jan is his star patient--recovery far ahead of schedule. She's already back to work--often 10 hours a day (though I keep telling her she shouldn't be pushing it so much). She loves her job more than anybody I've heard of--the job is taking
care of kids. And--as you might imagine, she's in huge demand.

Without the operation, she was facing paralysis from the neck down (though we didn't know it at the time). She had started to experience numbness creeping down her face--and we did recognize that might well be serious. Now there is no danger of that--and she's enjoying life--and is full of life herself. Actually she always has been very lively and positive--and this is one of the reasons Dr. Cooney thought it would be successful. So I've learned there is something to the cliche of "positive thinking" after all.