The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1708007
Posted By: GUEST,JTS
01-Apr-06 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
I told you I didn't express any views,

Yeah you told me that. I guess that means you don't have any respect for my reading skills or my memory.

Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
From: heric
Date: 29 Mar 06 - 12:06 AM

Right. They have to be at least two weeks old before you can beat their little heads in.

Excuse me for considering the above to be a condemnation of the practice. No views expressed there at all eh? I'm starting to see the reason for favoring animals over humans. It is your empathy for and resemblence to the common jackass.

There weren't aren't any falsehoods expressed. Carol said they don't club baby seals. She is correct on two counts. The only time the phrse "baby seal" is used is by protesters and critics of the hunt. The "baby seal" that Bardot coddled was a different stage of development than the ones that are now allowed to be killed.

The other thing is that there is no such thing as a baby FUCKING seal. Perhaps you are familiar with the word anthropomorphize. They are seal pups. They are meat and they are clothing and omega 3 fatty acids. They are not your little fucking brother. They are not Bambi and they are not thumper.

I'm not irate about anything my wife or I have said. I'm irate because liars and charletons who call them selves enviromentalists and idiots like Bardot and MacCartney. Are making fortunes and racking up sympathy points because the fisherman of my home province are easy targets. They won't attack the beef or poultry industry because those have the resourses to fight back.

My grandfather went out on the ice at sixteen years old and risked his life to make a couple of dollars to get his family through the spring. He "beat their little heads in" to use your phrase but he was no worse than a rancher or farmer where you grew up. Bardot called people who did what he did "savage". The MacCartneys called them barbaric. My Grandfather was NOT a barbaric savage. If he was everyone who wears leather, eats meat, lives in a house or uses technology is a barbaric savage.

I'll thank you not to imply that my Grandfather was a savage.

Number Six.

Everyone I know back in Newfoundland eats seal meat. I can't stand the taste, but my dad looks forward to the spring more than most people look forward to their mom's Thanksgiving turkey.

I've looked at the seal protesting industry, which seems to be much more lucrative than the seal harvesting industry, for thirty five years and mistruth and lies have been their only products. The seals are cute. The seals are babies. Their mothers cry.

On Larry King Danny Williams invited Paul McCartney to come to Newfoundland and see for himself, to see our side of the story. McCartney's reply? I'm here, I'm in Newfoundland. He was on Prince Edward Island. This is what we have to deal with. Ignorance, self imposed ignorance.