The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90112   Message #1708025
Posted By: Peace
01-Apr-06 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
Subject: RE: BS: Garge... kinda late fer suckin up
I would say this to my good friend sIx:

It is not necessary to eat meat. (I am aware there are exceptions that should be made for people with conditions like thalassemia, pernicious anemia, etc.) Most people do not need meat in their diets. And certainly not to the extent it is eaten in North America.

I do understnad where you are coming from to do with the sael slaughter being for pelts. So it is with beaver, muskrat and many other fur bearing animals. But either way, the animals end up dead to satisify human 'needs' or 'wants'. Frankly, I don't blame the hunters, trapper or slaughterers. If there's a market for it--whatever IT is--someone will supply it. It has ever been thus.