The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90187   Message #1708526
Posted By: Bobert
01-Apr-06 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat's Old Hippies
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat's Old Hippies
I take the seeds from Columbia and Mexico
and plant up the holler on Copperhead Raod...

Actually, seeds are purdy much a thing of the past... Plants don't produce them anymore unless you have old generation crappy plants... The bees knees is to just keep yer Sansimilion plant going year 'round and starting new plants from old ones... My, how times have changed...

But smokin' pot would be like trying to describe to a Martian what a car is by showin' the Martian a carburator...

It wasn't all about pot... Actually, it wasn't ***ALL*** about anything, other than changing the way we look at situations and the mythology that had been handed us as to what we were supposed to be all about...

Yeah, we had all these rules and morays and lots of them just didn't make sense... They didn't jive with our innerds... They weren't prohuman... They weren't proEarth... They were just some very screwed up rules and morays and, inspite of the sex, drugs and rock 'n roll, it was more about that mytholgy that the movement was/is about...

Actaully, I don't very much like the term hippie, though I guess I am by defination (whatever the defination is), what most folks would call an old hippie... The term in itself is part of the mythology.... Labels, while tending to be neat and tidy, don't quite fit the "movement", fir lack of a better term... But it was just that... A m-o-v-e-m-e-n-t... The base word being "move" and while it wasn't as mindless as a school of fish it certainly swept up alot of folks... Who got it....

As for Zeppelin v. Dylan??? My old hippie friends dug both... It wasn't either/or... But like I said, it wasn'/isn't about any one thing....
