The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89934   Message #1708833
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Apr-06 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non posting of judgements week.
Subject: RE: BS: Non posting of judgements week.
So. Mutual accusations of bullying going back and forth, eh?

There are 2 positions of bullying:

The first position of bullying -

1. From the appearance of strength. The "strong" bully asserts his or her dominance in plainly obvious ways, focusing on the supposed weaknesses of his or her chosen target, and attacking that target with a view toward intimidation and control. Ridicule of the target is much prized by strong bullies, as is contempt for the target. The target is regarded as a pathetic "loser". Strong bullies spend their lives searching enthusiastically for "losers" to make fun of, thus enhancing their own fragile sense of identity. Without such losers to look down on, they wouldn't feel as strong as they like to feel.

The second position of bullying -

2. From the appearance of weakness or, more often, having a grievance of some kind, perceiving that one has been illegitimately offended or hurt in a morally wrongful way. The "victimized" or aggrieved bully asserts his or her moral superiority and presumed righteousness over various people that he or she accuses of bullying or offending him or her. This is a far more devious and subtle form of bullying than the "strong bully" method, because it hides its true intentions behind a facade of being the innocent victim...but its true intentions are the same as those of the strong bully, that is: to exercise control and domination over its chosen target(s), and to be "right" by making other people "wrong". Weak bullies spend their lives searching enthusiastically for people to be offended and morally outraged by, thus enhancing their own fragile sense of identity. Without such bad strong bullies to get upset about, they wouldn't feel as morally righteous as they like to feel.

You can find plenty of examples of both bully types on this forum. The more blatantly strong bullies are so painfully obvious that no one could possibly miss them. I won't name any names, however... ;-P

(some examples of strong bullies in public life: Maragaret Thatcher, Ann Coulter, Ted Nugent, the average pro wrestler, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenneger, Don Cherry, Dick Cheney)

The weak bullies are more common, however. There are a lot of them. Anyone who isn't habitually aggressive is likely to be a weak bully at times.

If you find yourself trying to control the agenda by making other people feel guilty for something they said or supposedly did to you or someone are most likely playing the weak bully role. This will provoke the strong bullies to tell you to "fuck off", and similar stuff like that. They will go on and on about what a crybaby and whiner you are (gloating to themselves in sheer sadistic delight as they say it), and there will probably be some truth in what they say too, but not a truth that helps anyone much. You will go on and on about what mean-spirited bullies they are, what unpleasant people they are, which will also be true, but it won't do any good either.

Either way, it's a really nasty, sadistic, cruddy situation that poisons human relations and causes threads to rave on here for 300 or more posts and achieve not one worthwhile thing in the process. Too bad, eh? I see no solution other than that we will all eventually either grow up...or die...whichever happens first.

Either way is fine with me.