The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1708875
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
02-Apr-06 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
An interesting story for you, Ebbie (and all):

Three or four years ago now, Lee Hagerty, one of the founders of Folk-Legacy Records with Sandy & Caroline Paton passed away. They had a memorial service for Lee, and Ruth and I went. As most of the people there were musicians, we went around the room, with each person either doing a song, or talking about a particular favorite memory of Lee. I did a song I'd written, titled May My Heart Find Rest In Thee. The chorus is:

   And in the darkness, give me the eyes of faith
   In my sorrow, send down your saving grace
   And on my journey, may my path be straight
   May my heart find rest in Thee.

A few weeks later, I received a phone call from a man whose wife had just died. As it turned out, she was at Lee's memorial service and was very moved by my song. She didn't come over to speak to me, so I had no idea who she was. She knew that she was dying of cancer, and asked her husband to call me after she passed to ask me if I'd sing that song at her memorial, and bring the Gospel Messengers along to sing. And we did. They had a beautiful service out in the woods... very informal, and we sang a half a dozen songs, including May My Heart Find Rest In Thee, which I did unaccompanied, as I had at Lee's memorial. It was a beautiful, touching experience, perhaps even made morseo by the fact that the woman and her husband (and almost everyone else there) was Jewish.

I ended up singing that song at two memorial services in a span of about six weeks... once for someone who as far as I know was an Atheist, at a gathering of people who were mostly non-believers, and once at a Jewish memorial service. No matter. Most people were moved by the song. We all have times when rest is our greatest need.
