The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90155   Message #1709077
Posted By: GUEST,wordy
02-Apr-06 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Halle Orchestras tour of US called off.
Subject: RE: BS: Halle Orchestras tour of US called off.
Ron, this thread says everything about why America is losing it with everybody. Your attitude is shameful. The cost to America of having these visa facilities in Britain's major cities is miniscule. They won't bother. The attitude is you do as we say or you off. We all have our pride Ron, as your country did when we tried it on you. It is the arrogance you're always accused of personified. It makes America no friends, but then judging by your postings you don't seem to want them.It's an orchestra for heavens sake, part of the little bit of humanity that still makes sense and stands for the good things. You should be on your knees thanking them for still believing in the humanities and in humanity itself. Everyday your country makes more enemies and for those of us who remember the good America it's a souring experience. You put up a barricade and I know what side I'm going to be on, and I'm not alone. Isolationism never worked and treating us like coolies and making us do the tricks you demand just so we can make music in your country is just plain stupid. The more you cut yourself off from the healing arts the more paranoid you'll become as a society.
Saying "yes, welcome" to an institution like the Halle should be a pleasure and a priviledge. It's very sad that your paranoia denys you the better things in life.
Hunker down Ron, her comes the bogeyman....with a cello!