The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90258   Message #1709201
Posted By: Jeri
02-Apr-06 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger...
Subject: RE: BS: X-File Worm removed from my finger...
Google hookworm. There ARE things that get in through your skin. I had a cousin who died before I was born from hookworm and a subsequent infection. Usually they migrate to your lungs where there's a good oxygen supply. They make you cough a bunch, you swallow them and then you crap them out and it starts all over. Except you probably don't crap on your lawn or in your garden - that takes critters.

Then again, if it wasn't moving on its own, maybe it was just a green thing with a bunch of 'stuff' (can elaborate if needed) stuck onto it. The human body is an endless source of entertainment, isn't it?

Just be glad it wasn't filariasis. You might have had to get your privates training wheels or buy one size 300 shoe. Then again, you might have developed a case of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, which is referred to in public health circles as 'the face eraser'.    Then there's onchocerciasis (river blindness) or schistosomiasis or ...I'll stop. Most of these are problems in foriegn countries. Little green wormy things in your finger aren't too scary compared to these, but do watch for signs of infection.

Maybe we ought to have a thread on the weirdest foriegn object or life form (no, not babies) to come out of our bodies. Maybe not.