The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90274   Message #1709551
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
03-Apr-06 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: Tech: help me save my dulcimer list?
Subject: Tech: help me save my dulcimer list?
This week I had to replace my motherboard and change from Windows 98 to Windows XP Home. The computer shop backed up my data for me, and one valuable item is my list of songs to play on the dulcimer. When I check its properties, my computer says that it is still a WordPad document.

However, when I start WordPad and tell it to open my dulcimer list, it refuses to do it, claiming that it cannot open Word for Windows 6.0 files. Likely story!

It would take a lot of typing to re-create that list, which is 25 kb. My husband has a sophisticated system at work. Maybe his computer could do something to transmogrify the document. Any suggestions?
PS For you other mtn dulcimer players - I have just worked out how to play Jeremiah Clark's trumpet voluntary on it. Try it, it's fun.