The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17630   Message #170966
Posted By: GUEST,Allan S
31-Jan-00 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Foggy Dew (Irish 2)
Subject: RE: rising of the moon- different words
I know the song, THE RISING OF THE MOON, Pikes and all. This is the same tune though. Other verses as follows:

Go hide your blooms, ye roses red, and droop, ye lilies fair,
For ye must fade this very day before a maid so fair.
I said, “Fair maid, will ye be my bride?” (rest missing)

As down the hill I went one morn, a-singing I did go.
As down the hill I went one morn, the answer sweet and low:
“Yes, I will be your own sweet bride, and I know that you'll be true.”
Then inside my arms, all her charms were hidden from the foggy dew.

Any ideas on this one?