The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89388   Message #1709983
Posted By: Skivee
04-Apr-06 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Airport Story
Subject: RE: BS: An Airport Story
Grainger remarked that the Prime Minister had enjoyed the larking over the falls, but that his secretary had nearly lost his cucumber sandwiches.
"He was telling me about his adventures in Paris after his big flight.
Some folks think he's too conservative. But that's what our countries need. I'd be happy if Mr. Lindburgh stands for election again."
Slim's face was a bit pinched," So you don't have a problem with his Prussian tan-shirt buddies?
Wake up, Grainger. He's a pawn, and no good for the American leagues."
Kate's elegant voice had a slight edge." Now, boys, I'm sure my mother would simply detest discussing politics over morning coffee." She clearly had heard it before.
" Tell me, Priscilla, I noticed your lovely silver wraps, where did you get it? Macy's? Are they some sort of silk?""
She didn't know if Kate was pulling her leg, but tried to bluff about their alien garb."They're the new look for Spring. They're made of…of…"
Anson blurted out," …A polymerized non-woven metal substrate composed of
Alloyed rare-earth metals possessing controlled di-electric and thermal properties and dynamic self-adjusting parameter sensors. The user interface calculates physical requirements of the user for greatest comfort, while providing the empathic linking technology for control of all devices that wearer requests through simple mental commands…" He looked confused as the string of words tumbled out of him.
Priscilla whispered to him, "How did you know what I was going to say?"
The hairs on his neck were rising. "I didn't…I didn't even know I was talking. I thought it was you."
"Well, I must admit that I didn't understand a word of what Mr. Wilkins just said, but I think they are adorable", Kate smiled warmly.
The rest of their new friends were looking at them oddly.
Anson, deflecting, asked them about themselves.
Jimmy had been pretty quiet up to this time. But he spoke in a high stuttering mid-western voice as he told their story...