The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90290   Message #1710117
Posted By: Abby Sale
04-Apr-06 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: Happy! - Apr 4 (Chastity Belt)
Subject: Happy! - Apr 4 (Chastity Belt)

Happy Birthday!

US artist & lock inventer

Linus Yale

born 4/4/1821

        Oh say, gentle maiden, may I be your lover
        Condemn me no longer to moan and to weep
        Struck down like a hawk, I lie wounded and bleeding
        Oh let down your drawbridge, I'll enter your keep
        Enter your keep nonie nonie, enter your keep nonie nonie
        Let down your drawbridge, I'll enter your keep

        Alas sir and madam, to help I'm unable
        My technical knowledge is to no avail
        I can't find the secret to your combination
        For the cunning old bastard has fitted a Yale
        Fitted a Yale nonie nonie, fitted a Yale nonie none
        The cunning old bastard has fitted a Yale

                "Chastity Belt," DigTrad filename[ CHASBELT

Essentially anonymous – said to have been written for the stage show "Wait a Minim" during the 1960's, with a cast of mainly Englishmen living in South Africa.

Apparently, it is controversial whether there ever was a chastity belt in actual usage – well other than voluntary sex games. Yes, there are lots of pictures of them but that's not the same as use. Does seem a remarkably impractical and cruel idea.

Early warning notice: This series of the Happy File noncontinues beginning April 16.
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